zman Time
Morning bo-ker בוקר
bkarim, mornings.
Noon tsa-ha-ra-yim צהריים
Noon in Israel are the hours between 12-4pm. ahrey hatsaharayim, afternoon, are the hours between 4-7pm.
Evening e-rev ערב
aravim, evenings. Erev are the hours between 7-10pm. layla, night, are the hours after 10pm until dawn. hatsot, midnight.
Day yom יום
yamim, days.
Week sha-vu-a שבוע
shavuot, weeks. Sunday is the first work and school day of the week in Israel.
Month ho-desh חודש
hodashim, months.
Year sha-na שנה
shanim, years.
Sunrise zri-ha זריחה
Sunset shki-a שקיעה
The day before yesterday shil-shom שלשום
Yesterday et-mol אתמול
Today ha-yom היום
Tomorrow ma-har מחר
mahratayim, the day after tomorrow.